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Vincent Mitchell

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About Vincent Mitchell

  • Birthday 11/13/1962

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  1. @Ronald Guthrie Me too. Unfortunately it interferes with the print quality a little so I won't be using it on prints I make for others. The print head leaves stringy artifacts because it has to retract and move out of camera range before he timelapse shot. I have adjusted the print settings to minimize the effect, but I think it's about as good as it's going to get right now and there is still some stringy artifact material due to the head movement on timelapse. It's easily removed, but the end product is not 100% smooth where the stringy filament is cut away. Not horrible, but enough to where some folks may not like it. If the part does not require asthetically pleasing exterior, I will definitely do a timelapse of the print though. It's kind of cathartic, as was watching the defrag in windows 95. 😂😂😂
  2. An additional note. If the material you want your item printed in is not in the list below, I will need to buy it to make your print which will cause additional delay in print time and a slightly-higher per gram cost because I will actually be losing money on the print: I currently have in stock (Showing in Amazon pages so you can see it): 1) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0C7BXX1X3 - Creality PETG Filament, Dimensional Accuracy +/- 0.03 mm, Transparent Blue 2) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BDFBLL62 - iSANGHU Carbon Fiber ABS Filament, filled with 20% Carbon Fiber, Lightweight High Toughness, Dimensional Accuracy+/-0.02mm, Black 3) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B015I1D1JC - HATCHBOX ABS Filament, Dimensional Accuracy +/- 0.03 mm, Copper 4) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00J0H8EWA - HATCHBOX ABS Filament, Dimensional Accuracy +/- 0.03 mm, Black 5) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09X2MBB3B - ERYONE Silk Dual Color PLA Filament, Dimensional Accuracy +/- 0.03mm, Shiny Filament, Blue Green I will add posts to reflect current filament inventory as needed. Here's a timelapse of one of my first prints in the Creality Transparent Blue (#1 filament above). It's a little fuzzy because I haven't dieled in the focus and other settings. y-belt-idler_0.2mm_PETG_MK3S_1h7m_20231028190244.mp4
  3. All, I am ready to take 3D print orders. Please message me with your requests, do not add a request to this thread. I understand that shipping from the U.S. to other countries may make the cost to print your item unreasonable, so consider this when deciding whether to ask for a print. I will review the print request and message you back the price breakdown including shipping cost (all fees will be in U.S. dollars, if you are using another currency, there may be additional exchange fees). If you want to proceed, you can send me the money via paypal and I will print and send your item. Below is the information that I need to fulfil a print order. Please message me with this information and I will respond as soon as I get it. (I may take a day or two to do this, please be patient). 1) The name and address you wish the print to be sent to. 2) The STL or Gcode file to print. Be aware that the following affect the print quality and price. 1) The material you wish to have printed. 2) The size of the print. Notes: 1) If you send a Gcode file, I will not be able at this time to change the material to use in the print at this time, the material to use in embedded in the Gcode. That may change in the future. 2) My current list of materials to print in is limited. I will provide a list of the available print materials when you send a request. 3) Please understand that I am new to this process, and while I will make every effort to print your item, if it is particularly challenging to do, I may not be able to print your item. If this happens, I will let you know and refund your money. 4) I am also learning how to create new designs using freecad. Once I am confident that I can do that with some competence, I will provide a design service for Ohmify members. 5) This service is only for Ohmify members, and I cannot mass produce prints. Please respect these restrictions. 6) If I get a lot of orders, your print may take some time to produce. I will contact you and let you know if this happens. 7) This service is NOT in any way affiliated with Ohmify. So if you have any issues with it, please direct them to me, and not Ohmify staff. @Oyvind
  4. Well I am not there yet, but tomorrow my printer enclosure will be completed. It took a minute to put together as it's a custom build and I had to engineer some of the parts, which would have been easier to produce had I had a 3d printer to manufacture them. That irony is not lost on me. When I get a minute I'll take some pictures. I think I am about 2-weeks from taking anyone's request to print. Sorry for the delay. 🙂
  5. @Alberto It looks as if @KimZ will be doing the same or similar for UK folks, so you may be in luck. 👍
  6. @KimZ That's great. We can have one place for anyone who needs a part and they can choose the closest one to them. I am actually still standing up my setup, so I may not be offering prints in September. I have been making the table and enclosure for the printer and that's been taking some time. I will post again when I am actually ready to print.
  7. Yeah I think the U.S. will be my only takers. Postage from the U.S. to any other country is a lot.
  8. I am on the East coast in the U.S. I think that outside of the U.S. might be expensive, but we can find out. If anyone knows of a way to ship cheaper from the U.S. to other countries I would love to know.
  9. I am just now getting into 3d printing and once I am up and running, I will print member-requested items at my cost + shipping. I will begin doing this in late August, early September. Once I get my setup fine-tuned, I will be taking orders. I will also provide a modestly priced design fee for folks who know they need something but there is no ready-made 3d design already out there. All costs will be estimates as the final cost will be based on the item weight of the print, so it will vary accordingly.
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